5 Day Lead Challenge Overview. Should You Consider Joining This Challenge!

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Let’s face it Building and Email List can be complicated and overwhelming. There is a ton of resources, videos/ tutorials and guides you can learn from.

This will often be incomplete and often you have to join the dots together to figure the whole idea out.

But thanks To the 5 day Lead Challenge that’s no more…

Below is a brief break down of what is included in the 5 Day lead Challenge.

What is Included in The 5 Day Lead Challenge Training?

Day 1: Unlimited Leads-How lead funnels work-How to structure your lead machine-Understanding the core foundation.

Day 2: Creating Your Lead Magnet-How to build your “1-Page” Lead Capture-How to create your Lead Magnet to attract unlimited leads-Free ‘Lead Magnet’ software.

Day 3: Creating Your Lead Squeeze Funnel-Capturing names, emails, phone numbers-Attract QUALIFIED prospects-Build your simple 2-page funnel.

Day 4: Creating Your Followup Funnel-How to engage and keep your leads-How to write a compelling email sequence-How to build rapport and a relationship so they BUY .

Day 5: Launch Your Lead Funnel-Go LIVE with your Funnel-Capture ACTUAL leads for your business-Start building your list.


I would recommend this training if you are getting started with email marketing and List building.

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