How to promote Digistore24 products on Instagram. Step-By-Step.

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In this simple guide, you will learn how to promote digistore24 products on Instagram step by step. You will learn how to get sales faster, grow on Instagram, get more followers, cross share or repurpose your content and finally make more money with digistore24.

When you start an Instagram account you should find the perfect niche or theme about your Instagram account that you won’t feel burdened to create content about.

This brings us to picking the right niche and product for your Instagram page

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Finding The Right Products/Niches For Instagram

The product you wish to promote or share on Instagram with your audience should line up in a specific niche and resonate with the audience.

Here is a list of some of the best niches for Instagram and affiliate marketing! All you need to do is find content, or make it and line up the digistore24 product together with the audience.

  • Pets
  • Food and Cooking
  • Quotes
  • Spirtuality
  • Photography
  • Sports
  • Music

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Now that you have found the niche, go and find the perfect product for this page. Here is exactly how!

Ensure that the product you pick matches this criteria

  • High cart conversion percentage of 8% and higher
  • Low Cancellation rate of 5% and below.
  • Check that it has a clean sales page. (If you could buy from that sales page yourself then it should be a good product.)
  • At least has some resource tools.

Creating a landing page.

If you are a new affiliate on Instagram you should consider building an email list because once you build an email list of your followers on Instagram you can email them weekly about your new posts, content and even affiliate offers that get you paid.

For Landing pages, I would recommend you grab a Free Convertkit account because they are more welcoming and perfect for Instagram/content creators. You will need an approval reason before you can have complete full control of your Convertkit account.

With a Free Account, you will have the Built with Convertkit watermark but you can get through with it as many of your subscribers/fans don’t care.

Get Sales Faster!

You can get those affiliate sales much quicker you can do a couple of simple moves and strategies to shorten that time frame.

  • Message new followers. This is one startegy you can employ to get as many people viewing your affiliate offer daily. Some may not click but a smaller portion will to see what it is all about. So take the chance.
  • Repurpose your content on Pinterest and other image sharing sites like Tumblr. Thes other sites allow you to share images and link to other websites and you can link to your Instagram account as well. If you are using the same image on all these sites that three times of getting discovered by new people on diffrente platforms.

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Getting Content

For some niches or accounts, it will be easier to get content for example accounts about quotes and inspiration to have huge content that you can recycle for your account and this doesn’t matter because others are also doing exactly the same.

You can get content ideas or inspiration from;

  • Reddit
  • Other Instagram accounts in same niche.
  • Youtube
  • Blogs.
  • Tumblr.
  • Pinterest.

People are okay with reusing their content but what matters is you giving them credit as the original owners. With the current updates on Instagram Reels can help you get more exposure and that is the correct way to go.

Using hashtags is still relevant and you should greatly use hashtags that favor your account size. Bigger accounts rank easily for those competitive hashtags and smaller ones will just get lost in the competition.

You can use a tool like Flick to help you research your hashtags. With Flick, you can get to find low competition hashtags, research your competition and even grow your followers by using the right strategies.

To get followers is much easier as all you do is simply follow a couple of people from huge accounts in your niche and some from slightly smaller accounts as well.

When following people all you should know is that you should find active followers and these can be found easily via the comment sections of those accounts.

These are the active followers and they have shown that they are interested in the content the account posts on their feed. If you follow these people they will be more likely to see you and follow you back.

Following those that like the picture is not a good strategy because some people may like a picture when they are not interested in the topic overall or in general.

Once you understand the logic in getting followers all you should do is keep posting during the active hours which you should see in your Instagram Insights.

If you have gained about 100-200 followers on a creator account you should be able to see these insights and other metrics, such as the location of your followers which can be good when promoting a product to this audience.

Some products will work better for specific locations and poorly for others as they may not find them fitting for their location and preferences. So keep that in mind.

With that said let’s wrap it all up in the next couple of lines.

Choose your niche for Instagram > create a creator account on Instagram> Choose an affiliate product in digistore24 > create a landing page > add your landing page in your bio > Keep posting as you follow people commenting on those accounts similar to yours > stay consistent and repurpose your content on other platforms that may work for your niche as well for a wider reach and get more sales quicker.

Final Quote

By the end of all this information, you should be able to promote your digistore24 on Instagram without a website or paid ads.

Instagram is specifically good for some niches though not all but it is important to line the product up with the audience and then stay consistent for you to see consistent results.

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links and this means we get a commission for all purchases made after clicking or buying the software recommended here. Thank you : )

See you around


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