How to promote Jvzoo Products on Facebook.

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How to promote Jvzoo Products on Facebook.
Facebook and Jvzoo affiliate marketing

In this guide, You will learn how to promote Jvzoo Products on Facebook. This is going to consist of some underground tactics you can use to start generating commissions if you do everything right.

Facebook is a goldmine of traffic and if you could tap into its awesome traffic you could profit. Facebook will always be a good traffic source because everyone uses it, so that means that people also buy from Facebook.

In this guide am going to give you a blueprint to affiliate marketing on Facebook that can be replicated to other networks as well such as ClickBank, Warriorplus, Shareasale and so much more.

The formula has multiple strategies or pieces to it but I recommend you choose one for better results.

Am going to assume you already have a product from the Jvzoo marketplace you are looking to promote and have your Jvzoo affiliate link as well.

If you don’t have one already you can refer to my previous guide on how-to-promote Jvzoo products-without-a-website. In that guide, you will learn how to find the best products to promote with low competition.

Let’s get it!

1. Using Your Facebook Profile

With this strategy, we are going to be leveraging the power of our own Facebook personal profile to promote these products.

First is we are going to go into Facebook groups where your dream customers are and start engaging with their posts and content. Never add links in these groups because you may be marked a spammer.

What you need to do is start engaging while you send a friend request to as many of the members of these groups. The majority will accept and this is where the magic starts to happen.

Ensure you have a clean bio before you start driving people to your home which is your profile. Be friendly and make it easy for people to connect with you..

I know what you are thinking, You don’t want your Mom, brother and family members to see your promotions, which I get and this is where Facebook friend lists come to play.

We are going to segment our friends into lists to help us share different pieces of content to different audiences. This is easy to do, you head over to explore section on your PC or mobile the scroll through till you see Friend lists.

Then you will want to create a friends list and give it a name that you can remember to differentiate them later on.

If you are still lost on how to create friend lists then you can refer to this article on how to create a friend list by Facebook themselves.

Once you have had these separated then it is time to create some content. Yes, we need some content. If you are lazy then this won’t work. You need some content for your friend lists. You can easily make this in canva.

The content can be Infographics you can recreate by searching them up from Google. You need to give these people a reason to trust you because later on when you start dropping your links they should click through and buy from you.

You will need to do this for 30 days consistently to pick up maximum engagement on your content.

After, 30 days, You can then start adding promotional links in your content later on not so much because if you overdo it people will stop engaging, and this a bad sign to Facebook.

Ensure you don’t forget to build an email list because once Facebook changes their terms and conditions and your account is a victim then you may or may not lose it. So build that Email list.

Below is a video you can watch on how to create your landing pages to build your email list. You can also visit my resources page for more free and paid tools to help you out as well.

That is just one side of the puzzle you can use and more is still coming so stick around.

I recommend you send people to an irresistible free offer in exchange for their email. You can give them a free course on how to do anything in your niche with stacked bonuses so that they can’t refuse it.

2. Growing A Facebook Fan page.

Facebook Fan pages are still a thing and you too can still grow one in this modern era. So this is the best strategy you can use for promoting Jvzoo products using a Facebook fan page.

You are going to need to create a fan page and give it a general name in your niche. Remember this works for any other product or niche you are in. We give it a general name because it doesn’t restrict our promotions and content marketing.

To grow your fan page you can simply use the same strategy as for the personal profile. You will need to look for specific groups where your audiences gather.

After you have spotted these groups or communities then you will need to make your way in. How it is simple. You will need to find Facebook groups that allow pages to join. I know they may not be may but you need to keep digging.

After you have found a couple of these then you should request to join and wait to get approved. When you are in then it is time to share some content. Yes even this method requires some content.

You can posts similar content that is performing well in the group or model after what other members are sharing. After you have added your post and it is getting likes and comments plus some shares then you can move on to the next step.

That is to invite all those that engaged with your content to like your page and follow it. If you are creating better content than average then people will want to have more from you and hence visit your page.

Another way to do this is also by sharing content on your page to these groups. Ensure you do this sparingly as you may not want to be marked as a spammer.

This is how you can grow your fan page for free without spending any money on ads. I don’t recommend spending money on ads if you are just starting out.

It is on your fan page where you do all the promotions once in a while and this means that people on these groups will be able to see your links and content in their feed.

Hopefully you are seeing the potential of this method. If you are enjoying it all so far then ensure you don’t forget to subscribe to my channel here below for more case studies and great content like this.

Keep your promotions engaging and less promotional which means do all the promotions in the backend to keep the engagement on your page growing and even Facebook will help you reach more people.

If you have grown enough to a point whereby you have about 10k likes or more then you should focus on posting on your fan page but keep posting in groups to attract new likes and followers.

3. Growing Your Own Facebook Group.

Facebook groups are huge way better than fan pages and this is because Facebook is pushing engagement way more than usual.

So if the algorithm notices you are having some huge engagement in your group then you know it. You will get more members sent to you by Facebook.

You can easily get your first few members easily if you were using some of the techniques mentioned above. If you haven’t yet got any few of your first members then you can do the same as mentioned above.

Head over to other groups join them and start sharing content posted in your group to other groups. This is non spammy compared to adding your links in these groups because it just content being shared.

If you post in your group twice a day as you are sharing your content you will see growth exponentially. Keep sharing until you hit your first 1000 members.

As I always say never add your affiliate links in these groups or even your own group. This is an engagement killer. People don’t want to be sold to all the time.

So if you create some free reports, courses and make these irresistible then you should build your email list faster. All your affiliate promotions should be done in the backend.

This keeps your group clean and spam free. Always moderate members who spam because this is also an engagement killer.

4. Using Facebook Ads.

After you have had your email list built up then you my want to consider scaling up. You can create a Facebook ad using your email list and tell Facebook to only show your ads to the look alike audience similar to yours.

You can also create a campaign from scratch using some of targeting demographics given to you by the vendors. For Jvzoo this is quite different. You can create a review video and then run some Facebook ads to your video to get some sales.

If you don’t want to be on Camera that is fine too all you need is to have some content to send buyers to. If you plan to do this long term, your video will even rank higher for specific keywords on Youtube.

Social signals are ignored by many SEOs but they are the reasons why some videos from small channels may out rank videos from larger channels. If you keep sharing your content on social platforms like Facebook then your videos will rank higher.

Facebook ads may be expensive so I recommend trying some other platforms like Youtube ads itself, Pinterest ads as they may be cheaper compared to Facebook ads.

If you know what you are doing then you can get your Facebook ad cost low and maximize your profits. If you are just starting out stay away from this because you may get your profile shut down in the worst case.

Final Quote

By the end of this guide you should have a clear understanding of how to promote Jvzoo Products on Facebook. You should know hoe you can build your email list and promote products on Jvzoo to these subscribers.

If you manage to build a huge email list then what you should do is send the email list subscribers from email to your review article or video.

Can’t afford a website then you may have to read my guide on how to use Blogger to earn money.

I have attached some additional resources below you may find interesting if you are into affiliate marketing .

This is great

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