How to promote ShareASale products. [Ultimate Guide]

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In this simple guide, you will learn step-by-step how to promote ShareAsale products. Be it the affiliate program or as an affiliate marketer on the platform. I will show you how to find free traffic to your affiliate links and get long-term sales.

I am going to assume, that you’re already part of the ShareASale network as an affiliate, If you don’t know how to join, it is easy all you need is a website or an established Youtube channel with decent engagement and specific in a certain niche.

Still struggling to find your niche then I would encourage you to try watching this video

Once, you are in you need to find your product and grab your link and then start from here with my best-recommended traffic sources for Shareasale affiliates and each explained how to use them accordingly.


Youtube is awesome in that you can get traffic to your ideas and content in just a matter of minutes. If you do a good job of finding the proper keywords that you can rank for as a new creator then you should see results.

If you prefer to watch a video, I have attached one to explain the entire process of how you can find the right keywords to target as a content creator.

Here is the process for those that want to read, You will need to find a keyword related to your product and by this I mean you need to find a keyword that makes it easy for you to recommend the product you are an affiliate for!

Here is more to this:

Find a keyword using Youtube autosuggest. Here is what you can consider:

  • What the product you are an affiliate for does.
  • What problem it solves.
  • Alternatives to a popular product similar to the one you are promoting
  • Consider versus keywords too
  • Enter Questions phrases together with your product name and see what comes up. [what, why, how]

Now that we have our keyword, we need to analyze the competition. For this, you can download the VidiQ extension that is free to use

Open an Incognito tab or use another Google account with access to the VidIQ extension. Analyze the results for your target keyword for the following.

  • Find a keyword with a Good or Excellent VidIQ Score
  • Find a keyword with channels under 10k Subscribers getting views from their ranked videos.
  • For some niches you may realize that there are no thumbnails or if they are presnt, the quality is not that good.
  • Very short videos ranked

This shows you a good keyword to make a video about.

Once you have found your topic, then we need to create our Thumbnail at this very stage. The thumbnail can be made using Canva.

You can draw some inspiration from your competitors.

If you want to learn Affiliate marketing on Youtube in detail, then check out my 100% free training below

By following the strategies mentioned in this training you will learn how to make your videos rank on Google each and every time you make one as well as in the top Youtube results.

Google SEO

IF you are planning to go down the Google SEO route, then you will need a WordPress hosted website if you don’t have one, I can help you set up one real quick via the link below step by step.

Recommended: Start your blog successfully

Here are the basic strategies you will employ if you are using this method.

  • Find Affiliate programs on Shareasale and send your request to work with them.
  • Ensure you explain your promotional strategy and add your website link as well.
  • Once you have your affiliate link ready, you will need to find some keywords to target

Here is exactly how you find keywords using Forums, Quora and Reddit!

For Quora, you can use the search feature to find out which ones are ranking on Google. Open each question individually and then highlight it and search for it on Google to see if it shows up for that very phrase or keyword.

If yes, and you find Forums as well, Great you have landed on a good one!

Go ahead and write that article targeting that keyword.

For Forums simply search for popular ones, and then make a search on Google with your target keyword and the forum name or URL in quotes.

It is, that easy

If you want to use a keyword tool then watch this entire process explained in Semrush step by step.

Once you have your keyword, then write your article, if the topic hasn’t been written before then just use some of the knowledge from Forums, Quora and other ranking sites then make a detailed guide.

Another popular angle you can go for is Product reviews. yes, they are still effective and once you do them right, you can really rank well.

Offer first-hand experience with what you are reviewing. For this i would recommend you try reading some statements about the product on forums, Quora, and Reddit. This will deepen your understanding and also alerts you about the product quality.

Ensure your review offers Pros and Cons. Don’t just praise the product just to make a sale…

If you are wondering how else you can get traffic to your blog then try watching this video. You will learn how to get free organic traffic to your blog without any complicated tools


Pinterest is a great traffic source and I managed to get the best out of this platform after using it for a couple of months and then quit. Pins rank very well and pinners really visit the websites attached to the pins.

Recommended: Pinterest Affiliate Tutorial

Others decide to save them for later. So this means you should expect traffic now and in the future from those that save your pins to their boards or their followers.

So here is what I would recommend you try out!

Treat Pinterest as a Search Engine. Meaning, you should do keyword research or use the same keywords in your blog or video for the same purpose on your pins.

If you need help ranking your pins, then check out exactly how you can rank your pins on Google in this very video as well.

Video explains exactly how to rank your Pins using Boards or ranking boards on Google...

Join group boards from the start don’t wait till you have a specific number of followers as all that means nothing on Pinterest.

Be consistent and pin daily. I would recommend you pin 5-15 pins consistently to group boards or your personal boards.

Have Relevant titles, descriptions, and tags related to the URL you are linking to.

Use Animations or cartoon-like images as they get more saves and likes or even clicks because they stand out.

Take it slowly at the start, don’t pin a lot, and then stop.

When you join group boards, ensure they don’t post or pin images that are irrelevant to the topic of the board, if you land on them, then leave these boards because they are irrelevant and don’t help Pinterest understand your Pins and how to rank them.

Final Quote.

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