How To Promote Markethealth Products. Step-by-Step For Beginners. 4 Recommended Free Traffic Sources.

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In this guide, you are going to learn how to promote Markethealth products. The best part is that the traffic sources recommended for these products are free traffic that you can start using today.

First, you will need to sign up for a Market health affiliate account, choose a CPA offer you wish to promote in any niche or category you desire.

Once you have that then choose one of these traffic sources mentioned below and start promoting. Cheers : ) and let’s get started…

1. Quora.

When it comes to Quora you can get clicks and visitors to your affiliate links if you answer a couple of questions each day and link page to a page with your affiliate link. Quora is a good traffic source that works on autopilot.

This is because you will keep getting views to your answers and visitors to your pages all year round. With Quora, you should always find the right questions to answer.

These are questions that get lots of impressions and weekly views and you can do that all easily by watching the video below.

Once you have a list of these questions then move on to answering these questions. Once you start answering these questions ensure that you add a link where necessary. If the page you are linking to would be of much help o your readers then don’t add it.

Some answers are straight forward that no in-depth guide or resource is required. Once you have built up trust on Quora you will be able to add a link to every question you answer.

The page you link out to should be a resource page with some information on it. Ensure that you take some time to make this page look professional as possible.

That is how easy it is to use Quora for your affiliate marketing efforts.

Watch More Vidoes on Youtube

2. Youtube.

Youtube is the best traffic source for all affiliate promotions. The traffic sources on Youtube are not limited to those on Google search traffic. With youtube, your main focus as a new creator is to get your video featured on the first page of Google.

You can easily do this with a few Youtube Video SEO techniques.

  • Adding your target keyword in the title and in the first lines of your description.
  • Adding timestamps to all your videos. This allows Youtube to feature your video on Google for keywords section on Google for that search phrase. Since most creators never add timestamps this gives you an edge over the competition.
  • Add some tags that are very relevant to the product itself alongside some variations.
  • Embedding your videos on huge authoritative sites like Medium, Quora, Reddit, and Google sites, all these sites can also send you some referral traffic which is important for as well for getting a couple of views.
  • Add your affiliate link in the description of your video. You can also add a link to the landing page you host on your website or a free landing page builder.

For more details on how you can get traffic to your website, links, and business using Youtube then this is the perfect video for you.

When making your videos it is important to target keywords that are evergreen. review videos are good but if the product is popular the harder its going to be to rank for both on Youtube and Google.

If you can review new products the better because you should expect some hype and interest around them in the near future.

Evergreen videos are good because you get to solve a problem for your viewers then refer them to a product throughout the year.

3. Pinterest.

Pinterest is a huge traffic source, especially for health, and beauty niches. You can use this search engine as your primary source of traffic for your affiliate links as well.

You simply need a business account, add a link to your website in your profile, add some keywords in your profile about your account, follow a few followers of brands similar to the products you are promoting.

It is important to keep track of who you follow, as some Pinterest accounts are dead and no longer active. You can do this simply using a spreadsheet or google doc table.

With Pinterest, you don’t need to create a lot of pins. 5-8 pins on average are good, ensure your pins are keyword rich both in title and description.

The description should be at least 1-3 sentences. Add some hashtags if you wish and keep it short. the better.

Create pins that stand out. This means use colors that differ from those top-ranking pins to pick the interest of the scroller.

To see what kind of pins you should be creating, simply search for your target keyword and look at what stands out among all the sea of pins.

You should at least create pins each day. If you schedule them then great. You should also use the Pinterest inbuilt scheduler. This is the best way to get pins out there daily without having to do all the work manually.

Once you have about 10-50 followers you can join group boards to get these group boards you can simply type in your target keyword in the Pingroupie tool.

Recommended: Promote Clickbank Products on Pinterest

4. SEO Pages.

SEO is one of my best ways to get targeted traffic to your website or affiliate links. You don’t even need a website to rank on Google you can use authoritative sites to get on Google easily without any backlinks.

The sites you can use include:

  • Medium.
  • Google sites.
  • Reddit.
  • Blogspot.

I have covered this topic on my Youtube channel. In this video, I show you how to use Medium and low competition affiliate networks rather than ClickBank.

Here is a brief breakdown of what you need to do to rank your articles on Google and other search engines.

  • Add your target keyword in the title of your blogging platform
  • Add the keyword in the first paragraph or a couple of sentences of your article.
  • Add images, and alt text if possible. Some blogging platforms don’t allow this feature!
  • Add a video if possible. A video helps keep people longer on your page, which is a good signal to search engines…

If the keyword you choose is low in competition then you should be okay, and the ranking will come in a shorter period of time.

You can use Pingomatic to ping search engines about your new content. With some others like Blogger, Google sites you can submit your URLs for indexing.

Promote your URLs on sites like Pinterest, Reddit. The more shares you can generate the better and easier it is for ranking.

Interested in an in-depth guide on how to do Google sites Affiliate marketing, then this is the perfect video for you!

Final Quote.

By the end of this guide, you should be able to promote Market health products as an affiliate. you should start today, all you need to do is get started with one traffic source and be consistent.

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